
The Contact Us page is a good place to include your contact information, such as your phone number, fax number, company address, and email address. You can also include a small map or a link to a map of your office location.

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Fax: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: your email here

Address: Your company name
             Your Street
             City, State Zip Code

Map: Include a link to a map of your office location or include a small map.


Free Logo Service
At no extra cost we will modify the example logo to state your business name. If you already have a logo, you can easily delete the current logo graphic and add your own.

Extra Graphics
This template comes with many extra graphics, such as e-commerce buttons, credit card icons, shipping icons, and a replaceable static image for the movie. It also comes with the editable logo psd and Fireworks file.